To Customize or Not To

Hi!!! The work continues!

I’m trying a lot of new things - making a listing everyday, dipping into many different designs and themes, and most recently!!! A custom listing!

Boy, was that a headache to set up lol. The ever pressing question of how much to charge for the design portion. I know how much the stickers cost, but sitting down and designing a custom creation takes time and how much is my time worth? I want to give myself an excellent hourly rate, because I value the skills I learned, both “on the job” and through university. But if I do that, it makes the price too high for an average consumer.

While I do believe the right person will buy your work, I also have to balance being accessible to the audience I’m trying to pin down. I finally did land on a price for my custom listing, and was excited to see people viewing and book marking it, but no conversions. It got me thinking that I need to figure out a way to make it more affordable.

I sat down with my partner and we discussed ways we can make that happen. How can I let people buy 5 custom stickers instead of a whole sheet? How can I offer the option for people to buy only 1?

We brainstormed and came up with some viable production options, that will allow us to offer less stickers for a lower price, while also minimizing waste in the process. Hopefully it’s more appealing to a larger audience and it won’t be a complete time suck as far as sitting down and designing. I’m sure I’ll also get better and faster as I start doing more.

Anyways! That’s the latest! I’m going on VACATION NEXT WEEK!!!! And as you can tell I’m excited. I’m not sure what I’ll do if any orders come in while I’m gone, but I think just delay the shipping/handling time for when I’m back :) which will be the following week, so no one will be waiting long!

See ya in paradise!




Summer Sunshine


Life is Gooooood