Life is Gooooood

Hi! Things are going pretty well! I’ve had so much time to breathe and feel like myself again. Nothing will beat the peace of mind I’ve been able to achieve - something I haven’t had since university it feels like!

I might have mentioned in the last blog post, but I was able to put a process together, and as such, have been able to complete things much faster. I can print stickers, photograph, and create a backlog of listings in half as much time as it has taken me, freeing me up to do more things like design new stickers, research trends, learn more about marketing & sales, and so on! Its all still fresh and a learning process - I feel like I have a lot more room to grow in efficiency - but I feel like things are in a much better place.

One strategy I’m trying out that I’ve researched positive effects from is making a listing every single day. At the get go, I used to just make a batch of stickers, and list them all at once. It was tedious, but it was easy enough to sit down and bang out all those listings across the different platforms. Two of them allowed me to even import/export listings from one to the other, which made it slightly easier. BUT - I have since learned that marketplace algorithms like consistency better, and making 1 listing a day should be more beneficial than posting 20 things in 1 day. One other pro to doing this, I only have to spend 15 minutes making 1 listing across 6 different market places. So. Much. More. Manageable.

I’ll see how it works out, but I have a good feeling about this!

One thing I need to vent about: social media. Content creators are amazing. They say that to grow a TikTok account to thousands of followers, you need to post 2-4 times a day. I’m struggling to post even once a day haha. It takes so much time to finesse an idea, film the content, edit it (!!!!!), and then come up with a caption, cover, hashtags, etc. etc. etc. And OH DO THIS 3 MORE TIMES TODAY. Social media is definitely a full time job! Hopefully someday, my sticker making & listing process is so efficient, I can focus on growing my social accounts more…but today, I’ll settle for 1 post a day :)

Until next time!!!




To Customize or Not To


The Plunge