Summer Sunshine

Hi! It’s been a little bit! I’ve been so busy!

Let’s talk about the fun stuff first! I’ve been busy doing a fair bit of traveling…certainly more so than could happen during the pandemic. And it’s been so nice to get back out there again. I’ve gone to Punta Cana, Texas, Miami x2 and Orlando. Feeling so lucky that I’ve been feeling well enough to get on a plane again. Half of these trips have been to visit family, which is always a great time. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen the family that we did go to visit and I’m just feeling….great. I never thought I’d feel this way so consistently, but I’m happy to write it down today.

Ok! Now for the sticker stuff. I’ve so proud of myself for STILL being here. I know that may seem like a “bar on the floor” type of sentiment, but one thing I’ve learned is 50% of the work is showing up and here I am! Still posting on this blog, still posting a new sticker design across my sales platforms every day, still posting on my social media accounts…still determined to succeed. I’ve posted just about 80 offerings, roughly 75 sticker designs, with more coming. I’ve got some really cool things coming in the pipe - foil stickers! - and looking forward to experimenting with transparent sticker paper more, and washi sticker paper! I’m excited that I still have ideas (lol, thought I would run dry by this point) and can’t wait to get working on them.

The foil has been difficult to work with to say the least - this is coming from inexperience and just all around a rather tricky process for my cricut maker III. We have a working prototype now, so I think this Friday me and my partner will get to making them so that I can list them.

I’m going to start researching more about washi sticker paper - I want to start making handmade ephemera with all of my photography. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here, but I am somewhat of a professional photographer - I’ve studied it in school and have had several professional photo gigs. It just seems like the perfect crossover!

And yeah. I have a lot of general anxiety about the world, but right now I’m just trying to stay positive and keep working at this. I can only control so much, and one of those things is how hard I work at this. Happy to say that I’m happy :) talk to you all in a few weeks!




Late Summer


To Customize or Not To