Late Summer

Hi 👋🏽👋🏽

Hope you are all doing well! I am :)

Life update: I grew a cucumber! Just one this year, but I’m hoping for next year, now that I better understand how they grow and what they need, I can yield even more. I also have a few tomatoes on the way which is exciting - if they all end up growing to maturation, then the tomato will be the biggest success in my container garden. Not counting the basil of course - the basil has yielded so many salads, pestos and dressings this summer! I have big plans for an even bigger garden next year, I can’t wait to fully dive in! This year I just did a container garden with a few plants, next year I’m hoping to have a few raised garden beds.

Sticker update: No luck finding the right kind of sticker paper that I need for ephemera. Turns out washi sticker paper is hard to make - it’s either very expensive when I find what I’m looking for, or comes with very low reviews, making me nervous about even buying it. I haven’t given up on this idea yet, it’s just definitely taken a back burner.

My next biggest project is to re-shoot all my product photos. The “life” and singular-sticker-on-white background pictures work great, but I want to update the main photo that you see when you’re browsing stickers. It doesn’t quire match the new branding that I’ve come up with, and I’m thinking I can do something better. One idea I keep coming back to is having a big grouping of the same sticker, with one of them elevated from the others, so the grouping falls into the foreground. This idea isn’t very practical however, I don’t like to keep that many stickers in inventory and for some of the designs, I literally have one sticker made and in stock. I guess if I print out a bunch I could get some more stock for the oopsie sticker packs - but ideally, I wouldn’t make any mistakes L O L.

Anyways. I’m sure I’ll think of something! It will take some more brainstorming, that’s for sure.

It’s hard for me to see past this re-shoot of my whole inventory, but some other things I’m focusing on are social media (lol I haven’t posted on any of my accounts in 3 days, but will be posting today!) (one more note - I have a TikTok, Instagram, facebook and now a YouTube!!), and - as always - adding more listings. I’ve got quite a few in my backlog - both printed and needing to print. I’m just waiting to take photos until I’ve gotten a better idea of what I’m doing. But rest assured! A lot of new stuff is coming :)

Let the grind continue! Remember to hydrate and have fun as we enter the last bit of summer over here. I truly feel like we were put on this planet to enjoy our lives and make it a better place - please take time for yourself and planet Earth.

Peace ✌🏽



pulse on society


Summer Sunshine