pulse on society

hi! it’s been a little bit! I’ve been pleasantly busy :)

I think the most surprising revelation I’ve had so far is how big Dragonball and Dragonball Z etc. etc. etc. etc. still are. A friend of mine sent me some vintage Dragonball art a few months back and said, this would be cool as a sticker. A lot of my friends do that - send me art, or give me a concept and say: make a sticker of that! Well intentioned, sometimes annoying, but mostly helpful, a lot of these suggestions give me a pulse on what people are looking for.

When this suggestion came in, I saw the art and thought: ok, that’s cool. Growing up, I watched Dragonball and DBZ with my brothers and as a result, I have a soft spot for Goku and company. Admittedly, I’ve grown out of DBZ, but my partner and pretty much all of my brothers & guy friends still share it as a core interest. To make them happy and give them something I knew they would love, I did it, I made it into a sticker, and thought: you know what, might as well list it in the shop as well.

And now…I’ve sold quite a few. Haha.

I’ve been trying to tap into fandoms and see what else I can create that will spark joy with even more people. A cousin of mine suggested Adventure Time & Sailor Moon. I will definitely be exploring those ideas more…

Other updates: I’ve branched into clothing!! I made a t-shirt, and I will be offering even more items/designs in the very near future :) I’m so excited to see myself branch away from stickers. My primary focus is still stickers, and probably will always be, but the fact that I’ve gotten confident and knowledgable enough to offer t-shirts and more……….oh boy. Never thought that would happen.

Anyways! Back to work :)




Late Summer