The Journey Continues

Oh boy. I’ve been recovering from surgery the past few weeks and it’s been…..hard, to say the least. I’m proud of myself for launching this lil biz during the first week or so of getting home from the hospital. Now that I’m nearly 4 weeks out, I’m excited at how much progress I’ve made. Namely, the second collection I released!

It’s funny how ideas manifest. I have so many sticker design ideas, but the next collection I felt was cohesive and well thought out enough to release was this mystic set. I’ve been sitting on some ideas (zodiac themed pack, exotic bird pack, other dog breed packs), yet these ideas came together sooner. I’m happy with how they came out; my favorite from the set is probably the galactic crystal ball because of how it looks with the holographic overlay. It’s either that, or the hands holding the planet - best use of the transparent sticker paper I feel!

My time at home is nearly up. Last week, I felt sick at the idea of going back to my day job, but now I feel like I’ve had enough time. I’m anxious to see how I’ll continue to heal and keep up with this lil biz. I still have so many more ideas - both design, marketing & sales wise.

My main focus is just to keep releasing more sticker designs and build a large volume of options. I want people to find something they resonate with, or something that makes them happy and want to express themselves with. If you have anything you’d like to see, feel free to drop me a note in my contact form :)

Peace -



The Plunge


How did this begin?